12 Mar 2022
Part 7-9 A Different Spirit
Numbers 13-14
Ps Denis Lu
There was a significant difference in the way that Joshua and Caleb approached life and uncertainties as compared to the ten other Israelite spies. In a world that is filled with uncertainties and unrest, Ps Denis shares how we can exercise a different mentality and walk the faith of Joshua and Caleb, because our God is ultimately in control.
About this series
The Book of Numbers records how Israel failed to believe in God's promises. As a result, they wandered in the desert for forty years. Israel had the best opportunity to succeed because God was leading them. But they did not trust Him. That was the key to their downfall. Likewise, even though the future looks uncertain, the Lord is leading us day by day. And the way forward is clear and sure when we trust and obey Him. So, let us spur one another on, and we will become stronger together.
Past sermons
Ps Denis Lu
Ps Laurence Lee