12 Nov 2022
Part 5-7 Evangelist (Gathering)
Ephesians 4:11-16, John 4
Ps Denis Lu
Jesus lived the life of an evangelist, and He wants to equip us to be evangelistic. The word evangelist, comes from the word, “evangel”, which means the gospel or good news. We might not all have the gift of an evangelist like Billy Graham, but all of us are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ through our daily lives. Today we look at Jesus the evangelist and learn what it means to be equipped to gather in the harvest of precious lives.
About this series
Jesus says, "I will build my church". He does it through the ministry of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. These are the gifts God has given to mature the church holistically. Let us grow to be strong disciples, as we embody the strengths of each of these five ministries.
Past sermons
Ps Denis Lu
Ps Laurence Lee