10 Sept 2023
Part 5-10 The Debt to Love
Romans 13:8-14
Ps Laurence Lee
Have you owed money or a favour to someone else, and was unable to pay back? How did you feel when you eventually paid in full, settling the debt? How does it feel when you have wanted to pay back, but have not been able to? Romans 13:8-14 is a passage about debts, and settling debts. The only debt we should have is the debt to love, where we continually show love to those around us.
About this series
In first part of Romans (chapters 1-8), we learned that believers become righteous, through faith in Christ.
Now that we know these things, what is next? How do we move from knowledge to practice? What does righteous living look like?
This series unpacks the latter chapters of Romans (chapters 12-15) on how to live right, in view of our being made righteous in Christ.
Past sermons
Ps Denis Lu
Ps Laurence Lee