19 Jun 2021
Part 2-4 The Man Code
Proverbs 3:1-12
Ps Denis Lu
Many young people who grew up fatherless face tremendous challenges in life. The good news is that, through Jesus Christ, we have become the children of God! In today’s message on “The Man Code”, learn how we can grow to become godly men & women, even if we grow up fatherless, because we can call God our Heavenly Father and He has given us His Word to guide us!

About this series
The book of Proverbs is a book that speaks into many aspects of life in God's wisdom and has very interesting practical outworking for those who take heed. Now, more than ever in this pandemic season, we realise the importance of relationships. Let's prepare ourselves to live wisely in all of our relationships in the days ahead.
Past sermons
Ps Denis Lu
Ps Laurence Lee